Month: June 2022

Why Should You Develop a Personal Yoga Practice?

Group classes are a great way to start practicing yoga and are excellent for exercise, social contact and establishing a habit of regular practice with the support of a teacher and other students.

Despite these many wonderful benefits, group lessons are limited in terms of individual attention and their ability to address the more…

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Pranayama – An Integral Part of Yoga Practice – Temp

Krishnamacharya used to say that pranayama is the most important of the eight limbs of yoga because the last limb – samadhi, the pinnacle of sustained mental focus and goal of classical yoga – can be reached through pranayama itself. Pranayama is integral to yoga practice. Yoga without breath awareness is not yoga at all…

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What are the Yoga Sutras and Why Should you Read them?

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are widely regarded as “The” Authoritative Text discussing the aims and practice of yoga and how to systematically progress on the 8 Step Path of Yoga. Like a gentle guiding hand, the Yoga Sutras warn you of the pitfalls on your spiritual journey and offer the means to overcome them…

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